Artevelde explains: Ecuador’s ongoing gang violence

Credit: Artevelde University of Applied Sciences


Earlier this week, the Ecuadorian authorities recaptured Fabricio Colon Pico Suarez, the alleged leader of the notorious Los Lobos gang. His escape spotlights the South American country’s struggles with drug trafficking and gang violence, which has also expanded to Western …

This Was 2023: Flash Floods Kill Hundreds in Eastern Africa

More than 400 people died after heavy rains caused floods and landslides in eastern DR Congo. Image from MONUSCO Photos.


500 people killed and tens of thousands displaced after extreme weather in Eastern Africa. On Thursday, the 4th of May 2023, over 400 people lost their lives in flash floods in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo). This comes …

How I ended up in Belgium: Travis’ story of chasing dreams

Travis Czechorski, an American white man, standing in front of his favourite plaza in Leuven, Belgium

Travis Czechorski in the front of the City Hall Plaza of Leuven, Belgium


My life is like a splash of reality of the USA and the “American Dream” on my dreams and hopes. I wanted to feel safe and secure, not fear my life, because the government could care less. My country doesn’t …

How I Ended Up in Belgium: Chris Jiang’s fight against loneliness

A picture of chris, the interviewee of this article, in front of a brick wall

Chris Jiang (photo: Lise Van Overbeke)


I came to Belgium for the work-life balance, but quickly realized Belgians are not as open as other Europeans I’ve met. And that’s making things more difficult for me. I moved from Taiwan to Belgium because of a job opportunity: …

How I ended up in Belgium: Leaving orthodox Georgia to chase opportunities

Elene Sainishvili, a 19 year old woman is posing in front of some plants.

Elene moved from Georgia to Belgium to study engineering, hoping for a better future /Credit: Evy Coeckelbergs


When I was eight, I knew I wanted to leave the country. The typical Georgian life – study, marry, work, die – is not made for me. I wanted more than the average Georgian. I knew I wanted to leave …

From the Taliban to the streets of Brussels, this is my story

interviewee photo in Brussels at Fedasil

From Afghanistan to the streets of Brussels / FOTO: Lovis Somer


All people chase their hopes and ambition. I, on the other hand, chased something that is self-evident for most: a safe country.  I knew the Taliban were looking for me and that it was dangerous for us to have the …