Painter Jan Van Imschoot: “My world is an illusion of liberty”

Artist and painter Jan Van Imschoot looking straight into the camera.

Jan Van Imschoot prioritizes creative freedom over conventional success. Photo: Valerie Vernier


“I don’t believe in the word contemporary art”, states contemporary artist Jan Van Imschoot. Born in Ghent, Belgium, 1962, the artist recalls his time at the Charlatan, a bar and night club in the city. He describes living in Ghent …

Small Creek Big Beaver

A documentary about coexistance


One of the great threats the world faces today is climate change. While the situation may seem dire, we must remember that there is still hope. Many initiatives go through daily developments to build toward a brighter future. Rewilding is …

Tear down the walls, why it’s time for men to cry

Crying man

Crying man - Image by Freepik


“If my man doesn’t cry on our wedding day, I don’t want him.” Many women across social media used the phrase, which gained millions of views over the summer. The TikTok trend, which began in 2022, shows that society is becoming …

How men trapped themselves behind dry eyes

Gavin Hamilton, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


In my family, crying is like eating an apple. We might not do it every day, but we know it’s something healthy that we can’t avoid sometimes. And when I say “we”, I include my dad and my brothers. Unlike …

Trump’s second term – what will this mean for Ukraine?

Trump is nog heel wat van plan ©Pixabay

Trump is nog heel wat van plan ©Pixabay


President Volodymyr Zelensky claimed that Russia’s war in Ukraine will end “sooner” under Donald Trump than it would have otherwise in an interview with Ukrainian media. Zelensky referenced his phone call with Trump after the US presidential elections, remaining adamant …

Re-release of ‘Do They Know It’s Christmas?’ sparks criticism on lyrics

"THE TWELVE (45 RPM) SLEEVES OF CHRISTMAS: 'Do They Know It's Christmas?' - Band Aid (1984)" by RetroLand U.S.A. is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.


As the 2024 Ultimate Mix of Band Aid’s Do They Know It’s Christmas? has been announced by the song’s producers, it has been criticized for its outdated portrayal of Africa. The song will be released on the 25th of November, marking …

How I ended up in Belgium: Travis’ story of chasing dreams

Travis Czechorski, an American white man, standing in front of his favourite plaza in Leuven, Belgium

Travis Czechorski in the front of the City Hall Plaza of Leuven, Belgium


My life is like a splash of reality of the USA and the “American Dream” on my dreams and hopes. I wanted to feel safe and secure, not fear my life, because the government could care less. My country doesn’t …