How I ended up in Belgium: Travis’ story of chasing dreams

Travis Czechorski, an American white man, standing in front of his favourite plaza in Leuven, Belgium

Travis Czechorski in the front of the City Hall Plaza of Leuven, Belgium


My life is like a splash of reality of the USA and the “American Dream” on my dreams and hopes. I wanted to feel safe and secure, not fear my life, because the government could care less. My country doesn’t …

From the Taliban to the streets of Brussels, this is my story

interviewee photo in Brussels at Fedasil

From Afghanistan to the streets of Brussels / FOTO: Lovis Somer


All people chase their hopes and ambition. I, on the other hand, chased something that is self-evident for most: a safe country.  I knew the Taliban were looking for me and that it was dangerous for us to have the …

Agroforestry in Costa Rica, a fruitful policy?

Costa Rican farmer

Agroforestry, a fruitful policy? © Robbe Vancraeynest


Since going through a rough patch in the 80’s, Costa Rica has been reforesting its land. Instead of contributing to deforestation, farmers are now actively planting trees. How does agroforestry play into the nature conservation policy? And what can Belgium learn from the Costa Rican strategy?  “Environmental policies have been the dominant DNA of Costa Rica”, President Carlos Alvarado Quesada said in The Guardian on Monday 22nd of February. The tiny …