Heavy Metal: The Fine Line Between Music and Noise

| Dit artikel past in een opdracht voor studenten uit het tweede jaar met als onderwerp international journalism.

Credit: Sebastian Ervi https://www.pexels.com/nl-nl/foto/mensen-in-concert-1763075/


Heavy metal should not be identified as music but just as loud noise. Or is it other genres that are just noise, and is metal the one that is real music? What makes music music and not just loud noise? And are these so-called ‘metalheads’ loud and aggressive or are they just enjoying music in their own way? 

Music vs noise 

According to the Cambridge dictionary, music is a pattern of sounds made by musical instruments, voices, computers, or a combination of these, intended to give pleasure to people listening to it. Simply put, music is a mix of sounds designed to evoke feelings. But if you look up the definition of noise, it says a sound that is loud, unpleasant, unexpected, or undesired. So, what differentiates music from noise? 

There are general effects that music and noise have on a person. There are studies that concluded that noise could increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. If you think about it, it’s actually quite logical. Noise, being unwanted sounds, induces stress, and as we all know, stress has many negative consequences for our bodies. On the other hand, we have the effects of music. Listening to music that you like releases dopamine, which is the feel-good hormone that also plays a major role in our motivation. So, in a way, music chemically alters our body by making us feel great. This brings us to one of the most misunderstood genres in the music world: heavy metal.  

What about metal music?  

If you apply this to metal music specifically, that, too, invokes certain feelings and emotions. Studies show that listening to heavy metal can boost mental health. You may wonder how that is possible since metal music is just satanic yelling, right? If the music is so aggressive, wouldn’t that mean that the people listening to that music are aggressive and dangerous people to be around? In a study by Macquarie University’s music lab, it is proven that death metal fans are not desensitized to violent imagery. Simplified, that means that they are just as affected by violent videos and photos as a fan of any other music genre. Professor Bill Thompson, one of the professors of the study, said, “[Death metal] fans are nice people”. He explains that enjoying music with aggressive or violent themes could be compared to people who enjoy listening to sad music. It’s a psychological paradox in which they can empathize with the singer’s lyrics.  

Metal has always been about overcoming fear and finding community among like-minded outcasts. It’s about togetherness.”

Rolling Stone

Another reason for them being happier is their strong sense of community. Even people who aren’t part of this community say that metal fans are friendly and respectful. Some theorize that this is because they get all their anger out through their music. The experience of running into these big, aggressive-looking guys in all black is something most people have experienced in their lives, and so have I. Really close to where I live, in Kortrijk, there is this big metal festival called Alcatraz. It usually takes place over a period of 3 days around the beginning of August. Not only can I hear the music perfectly, but I also run into festival-goers. In my experience, these are some of the nicest people I have met. These are the types of people that might look scary but are actually really respectful and kind. We also have another festival in August called Camping Kitsch Club. In my experience, they are some of the most disrespectful people I have met, even though they seem, at least in their daily lives, to fit in the most and live closest to the societal norm.  

Lastly, as I mentioned before, noise can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. However, studies have shown that music, more specifically classical and metal music, can lower heart rate and blood pressure, thereby reducing stress hormones and the risks of cardiovascular diseases. Metal fans are happier overall since they use their music as an outlet for stress and anger.  

The experience for non-metal fans 

But… There is a catch. These feelings of joy and the improvement of mental health from listening to heavy metal music only works for people who are fans. In a study by DW on what non-death-metal-fans think of death metal music, they concluded that there is a huge difference in the experiences of fans and non-fans. This by itself wasn’t what surprised them, though. The differences were more striking than what you might find with other genres. The non-fans experienced feelings of anger and fear when listening to death metal. The fans, on the other hand, experienced the complete opposite. They feel positive and empowered, and some even feel peaceful. DW speculates that it is probably the feeling of recognition. When people feel like their emotions are represented, they will feel more at peace. You could, again, compare it to sad songs. When you have just experienced a breakup, you can relate to the sadness of the singer, and you feel understood.  But keep in mind that it’s the emotion metal fans feel represented in, not always the lyrics. 

The non-fans actually experience a lot of anger and fear when they listen to the [metal] music.”


Metal music’s subgenres 

If you think metal music is just noise, then you can discover a wide variety of subgenres that fall under the umbrella of heavy metal. Just like any other genre out there, metal is divided into different subgenres. And the difference between death metal and folk metal is just as big as the difference between pop rap and folk pop; liking one doesn’t necessarily mean you like the other.  

These sub-genres are created thanks to a lot of different reasons. Artists in every country create music that reaches listeners worldwide, so, metal music, just like any other genre out there, is a world genre. Since music is being created everywhere, and countries have their own culture and traditions, music will have differences. These differences can lead to a whole new sub-genre. Bands experiment with unique instruments or sing in their native languages, creating different feelings and sounds.  

There is also the fact that not all metal music is about death and destruction or Satan and hell. Many subgenres deal with completely different subjects like history or fantasy themes. Bands like Jonathan Young and Betraying The Martyrs have turned Disney classics like Let It Go and A Whole New World into headbanging anthems. 

Something else that has created subgenres is the fact that metal music is not just screaming. There are actually a lot of very talented vocalists among metal singers. Growls and harsh vocals are difficult and, if done wrong, could destroy your voice. On top of that, many metal singers can mix these together with other ‘clean’ vocals. While some metal singers prefer to use a lot of these harsh vocals, others prefer clean or even no vocals in their songs.   

So, asking if something is music is a complicated question. What could be music to one could just be loud noise to the other. Therefore, labeling a whole genre as noise is quite an extreme opinion. It is possible that you haven’t explored the variety of subgenres under heavy metal and, who knows, maybe you’ll find your jam there.

De auteur

Lise Van Overbeke

Profiel E-mail

International Journalism student, movie freak and coffee lover with an SCA certificate.
