Small Creek Big Beaver

| Dit artikel past in een opdracht voor studenten uit het derde jaar met als onderwerp cmp - international programme.

A documentary about coexistance


One of the great threats the world faces today is climate change. While the situation may seem dire, we must remember that there is still hope. Many initiatives go through daily developments to build toward a brighter future. Rewilding is one of these magnificent projects. The act of reintroducing a species of animal that once went extinct in the region has numerous benefits for the regional ecosystem and, on a larger scale, for the environment. In this documentary, we follow a group of students on a quest to learn everything there is to know about the Beaver rewilding projects in Germany and their effects on the region.

Authors: Alexander Chantzos, Thea Chisalita, Pelana Biembongo, Ayla Onsea, Mathijs Vandenberghe, and Janara Dick
