How I ended up in Belgium: Travis’ story of chasing dreams

Travis Czechorski, an American white man, standing in front of his favourite plaza in Leuven, Belgium

Travis Czechorski in the front of the City Hall Plaza of Leuven, Belgium


My life is like a splash of reality of the USA and the “American Dream” on my dreams and hopes. I wanted to feel safe and secure, not fear my life, because the government could care less. My country doesn’t …

How I Ended Up in Belgium: Chris Jiang’s fight against loneliness

A picture of chris, the interviewee of this article, in front of a brick wall

Chris Jiang (photo: Lise Van Overbeke)


I came to Belgium for the work-life balance, but quickly realized Belgians are not as open as other Europeans I’ve met. And that’s making things more difficult for me. I moved from Taiwan to Belgium because of a job opportunity: …