Supergoods: good for people and super for the environment

The ecological shop Supergoods, run by Olga van Genechten, only provides products that have been produced fairly. For example, the shoes, nylon stockings, jeans, jackets and toys all are made from recycled materials. Fashion meets fair trade Supergoods, what’s in …

Lost and Found: The eco-friendly shop with a genius concept

Inside the Lost and Found vintage store. (Foto: Lisa Pyckavet)


Mathilde Smessaert (28) has collected clothes from all over Europe. The unique garments are put up for sale in her secondhand shop, Lost and Found. The shop has no gender, but it does have four personalities. A peek inside the …

(H)eerlijk duurzaam

Exact vier jaar geleden stortte een kledingfabriek in Bangladesh in. Meer dan duizend mensen kwamen om en honderden arbeiders raakten gewond. De vreselijke beelden gingen de wereld rond. De ramp in Bangladesh maakte duidelijk hoe slecht en onmenselijk de omstandigheden …