Helena De Bouver is studente journalistiek. Ze merkt dat in het hoger onderwijs steeds meer in het Engels wordt onderwezen, en stelt zich daar vragen bij. De “elitetroepen van de maatschappij”. Zo noemde professor Carl Devos mij en mijn medestudenten …
Frank Leguen Lacroix on moving to Belgium and why he wouldn’t want to move back to the UK
Frank Leguen de Lacroix came to Belgium and never looked back. He’s originally from a little town called Suffolk in England and lived there until he was 28. In 1978, he decided it was time for a change and applied …
Ben Philips and Cambridge United: how football connects people
Ben Philips is a 33-year-old Cambridge citizen. He has lived in the city his whole life, and his heart bleeds Cambridge through and through. As an active member in the CUST (Cambridge United Supporters Trust), he tries to unite Cambridge’s …
Supergoods: good for people and super for the environment
The ecological shop Supergoods, run by Olga van Genechten, only provides products that have been produced fairly. For example, the shoes, nylon stockings, jeans, jackets and toys all are made from recycled materials. Fashion meets fair trade Supergoods, what’s in …
This device will change the anaesthesiology game forever
We made a multimedia project about sustainable circular economy for English 3. The medical world is a wasteful place, but Loore Nelen wants to be part of the change. Listen and watch her story. Loore Nelen, a gifted designer At …
Lost and Found: The eco-friendly shop with a genius concept
Mathilde Smessaert (28) has collected clothes from all over Europe. The unique garments are put up for sale in her secondhand shop, Lost and Found. The shop has no gender, but it does have four personalities. A peek inside the …
Belgen uitstekend in Engels

België staat opnieuw op plaats zes in de wereldranglijst van de landen die Engels niet als moedertaal hebben. (foto: Flickr – Marco Verch)
Belgen hebben een uitstekende kennis van de Engelse taal. Dat blijkt uit een onderzoek van het internationaal taalonderwijsbureau Education First (EF), waaraan 2.1 miljoen mensen uit 111 landen en regio’s deelnamen. België eindigt wereldwijd op plek zes en binnen Europa …
Sharing, to generate joy in others
We have done a lot of research on the topic of sharing, and our group of four concluded that carpooling is a good and often-used way to be conscious about the environment and climate. Partago, a car-sharing platform When it …